• In this course students will become familiar with the ethical attitude that best ensures the free and democratic development of science and society. We will do this by reading and discussing Volume I of Karl […]

  • DescripciĆ³n:

    What is society? What characterizes it and what distinguishes it from animal society? What, furthermore, distinguishes human society from the society of early homo sapiens? For they Ā must have e […]

  • DescripciĆ³n:

    Las Ciencias Sociales se ocupan de descubrir, estudiar y analizar las fuerzas invisibles que influyen y a veces parecen casi determinar la elaboraciĆ³n de la vida humana. Nacen cuando el individuo s […]

  • Gregory Lobo ha cambiado su imagen de perfil. hace 6 aƱos, 4 meses

  • [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

    What is the relationship between the Bible and society today? Whether one embraces or rejects it, the Bible is clearly one of modern society’s foundational […]